Can manage to voice-play from 4-year-old girl, sexy woman to elderly.
Narrator, Facilitator, Presenter
Voice Sample 1
Voice Sample 2
Voice Sample 3
Has experienced medical and academic narrations, stockholder meeting presenters, e-learning materials, cheerful programme narrations. On radio, good at talking without script.
Aiming never forget the gratitude toward everything involved in living and working.
TBS World Bari-bari Value BS-i Yamazaki Nabisco JTB Tour Programme CS Come Together Earth Kids CS Addicted in Films CS Parenting Channel TVCF Daikyo Group RalsNet SFA ...and many more.
GFT Stock Chart, Meiji Milk Corp., Tokiwa Kosan, Nisshin Chiken Ramen, Hitachi, Kumon, Japan Dental Association, Foundation for Japanese Advanced Medicine, Lion Corp., Nihon Shokuhin Kako, Nihon Unisys, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Kao, YAMAHA, ...and many more.
Radio Tsukuba what tsukuba Presenter Radio Tsukuba PR Promotional Narrator Tokyo Electric Power Company SONOKO ...and many more.
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Governmental Meetings Live Talk Shows, etc.
2012Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care 50th Annivesary Cremony General Moderator/On-stage Roleplay
TBS World Bari-bari Value BS-i Yamazaki Nabisco JTB Tour Programme CS Come Together Earth Kids CS Addicted in Films CS Parenting Channel TVCF Daikyo Group RalsNet SFA ...and many more.
GFT Stock Chart, Meiji Milk Corp., Tokiwa Kosan, Nisshin Chiken Ramen, Hitachi, Kumon, Japan Dental Association, Foundation for Japanese Advanced Medicine, Lion Corp., Nihon Shokuhin Kako, Nihon Unisys, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Kao, YAMAHA, ...and many more.
Radio Tsukuba what tsukuba Presenter Radio Tsukuba PR Promotional Narrator Tokyo Electric Power Company SONOKO ...and many more.
Ministry of Justice Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Governmental Meetings Live Talk Shows, etc.
2012Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care 50th Annivesary Cremony General Moderator/On-stage Roleplay
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