Either heart-warming or bitter, an itellectual standard American English voice will match to any genre, any work.
Narrator, Voice Actor, News Presenter, Producer
Voice Sample 1
Voice Sample 2
Voice Sample 3
Born and grown in US, had strong interest in radios, films and sports. Started working and involving with radio industry, also experienced video and film production.
Moved to Japan more than 15 years ago, living in Tokyo to work as a specialist of medium, narrator, news reader and voice actor.
NHK, NHK World, TBS, TV Tokyo, Fuji TV, J-Wave, Inter-FM, Tokyo FM, KOX, Wired Radio, FIFA, Tkyo Dome (MLB, World Baseball Classics) Entertainment-related companies, Finances, Electronics, Automobiles, Chemicals, Medicals, Tele-Communications, Softwares, Medium, etc.
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